Giving in the US - Friends of HKIS

Launched in 2024, Friends of HKIS, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the United States. The purpose of this new foundation is to provide HKIS alumni, former board members, and former faculty and staff a new, tax-efficient way to make gifts to support HKIS.

Make Your Gift

Making a Gift to Friends of HKIS:

  • Gifts made through Friends of HKIS are fully tax-deductible under US law, and all gifts will receive a gift acknowledgment and receipt.
  • Gifts using debit or credit card may be made quickly using the online giving form. You can make a one-time or recurring gift.
  • You can designate your gift to support a wide range of needs. If making a gift by debit or credit card, simply select from the options in the online giving form. Learn more about your Annual Fund giving choices below.

Smart Giving:

Rather than donating cash, many donors opt for smarter giving — non-cash options that not only support HKIS but may also offer a variety of US tax benefits. We have partnered with FreeWill to enable you to make gifts of stock, cryptocurrency, gifts from your Donor Advised Fund (DAF) or an IRA.

Explore smarter giving options

Planned Giving:

Many people choose to make a planned gift—most commonly a donation made in your will or estate plan—because they cost nothing today but make an incredible impact in the future. Now, you can make a planned gift to benefit HKIS in the future.


Support to What You Care About

Whether you are passionate about supporting arts, music, sports programs or the school’s immediate need, you can make an impact in a way that is most meaningful to you. There are seven categories you can choose to designate your Annual Fund gift.

Make Your Gift

If you wish to make a gift of appreciated stock or from your Donor Advised Fund, please contact Heath K. Hignight for more information on this quick and easy way to support HKIS.

Ways to Give

About Friends of HKIS

Vision, Mission, And Board of Friends of HKIS

Make Your Gift

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