At HKIS, learning is purposeful for life beyond school. HKIS uses a comprehensive standards-based curriculum in which we teach for understanding so that students:

  • Acquire important new knowledge and skills;
  • Make meaning of big ideas related to the knowledge and skills;
  • Transfer this learning to new and authentic situations.



Students from Reception 1 to Grad 12 learn in a safe and supportive environment where learning is personalized. Students focus on the skills of collaboration as well as the development of the individual self, taking charge of their learning. Clear learning goals and the focus on student agency ensure students understand where they are going, and partner with their teacher in their learning journey. 

The Understanding by Design (UbD) model, which seeks to structure teaching for understanding, guides us in the formulation of our written curriculum. HKIS teachers regularly update and revise curricula to reflect current best practices and research.

Read the Inquiry Framework





Assessment is the ongoing process of gathering evidence of student learning as part of the teaching and learning cycle. Grading is the process of evaluating student evidence against a set of standards/criteria to provide feedback to students about their progress toward the intended learning. Reporting is the communication of the learning progress, growth, and achievement to students, parents, and the wider community.

At HKIS we believe the purpose of an effective assessment, grading, and reporting system is to clearly, accurately, and consistently support student learning, by communicating learning progress, growth, and achievement to students, families, educators, and external institutions.

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Student Learning