Spiritual Development is one of six Student Learning Results (SLRs) at HKIS. Through this SLR, students will understand and respect Christianity and other religions. In their journey at HKIS, students will explore and develop their spiritual identity.

Spirituality at HKIS is a journey of reverence that explores the meaning of our lives and connections with God, other people, and the world.

HKIS believes the Christian faith is a response to the redemptive grace and love found in Jesus Christ and recognizes that each student is a precious child of God. Motivated by that belief, HKIS nurtures each child to develop a clear sense of their identity, calling, and relationship with others.

HKIS provides an environment to nurture students' spiritual growth and development journey. The religious education program is a well-thought-out curriculum spanning the four divisions at HKIS with clear outcomes based on our broader philosophy of education.

On a day-to-day level, HKIS embraces an open and accepting community spirit. We believe this happens best in an atmosphere of active role modeling, conversation, and discussion about spiritual matters, world views, personal understandings of God, and personal life experiences. Students learn about and openly discuss Christianity and other beliefs through these conversations. They work cohesively to foster HKIS' mission to be "an American-style education grounded in the Christian faith and respecting the spiritual lives of all."

What HKIS offers in terms of spiritual education is the unique ability to provide students with the tools to develop an inner compass for living an ethical, moral, spiritual life. My hope for HKIS students is that when they arrive on that “A Train to Success”, they have hearts that are attuned to the needs of the world and they are ready to be lights to make the whole world a better place.

Mike Kersten,
High School Humanities Teacher

The GIFTS conference is an annual conference for the whole community to come together and share ideas about what it means for HKIS to be grounded in the Christian faith and respectful of the spiritual lives of all. GIFTS stands for Grounding-Identity-Fellowship-Theology-Spirituality. This event takes place in the Fall each year.

HKIS has a diverse and vibrant community that celebrates festivals and traditions across many faiths and cultures represented within the student and faculty body. Christian Life is an active part of the school’s community and is coordinated by the Schoolwide Spirituality Coordinator. 

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